O2X’s Program Manager Jonathan Bachant, serving the United States Marshals Service, has received the ‘Exemplary Contractor Support Award’.
The Exemplary Contractor Support Award is presented to one contractor support personnel who has displayed exemplary support services to the Agency. Selection for his award was accomplished through voting by all members of the United States Marshals Service.
Since the U.S. Marshals Training Division’s implementation of the O2X Integrated Specialist Program in 2021, Jonathan has led the charge in driving the O2X impact. The program, which now includes an additional Strength & Conditioning Specialist and an Athletic Trainer, has seen massive success since the program’s inception – most notably reducing the rate of injuries in BDUSM candidates by 70% between fiscal year 2022 and fiscal year 2023.
Jonathan’s citation for the award is as follows:
“Physical Readiness and Wellness Program Manager (PM) Jonathan Bachant of the National Training Academy (NTA) is awarded the Exemplary Contract Support Award for operating as the driving force behind a positive culture change at the NTA. PM Bachant specially focused on making changes to curriculum, policies, and procedures that would emphasize candidate readiness and wellness resulting in training-related injury reduction during the Basic Deputy United States Marshal Integrated (BDUSMI) program. PM Bachant Ied the development of a
20-hour addition to the BDUSMI curriculum, including five Lifestyle Management sessions and a wellness presentation to DUSM’s families on Graduation Day. PM Bachant has also provided expert guidance to the NTA leadership on matters of physical training, hydration, recovery, and other readiness factors. Implementation of these measures resulted in an over 70 percent reduction in the amount of candidate injury dismissals during BDUSMI in fiscal year 2023 versus fiscal year 2022. For his dedication to the success of the NTA, PM Bachant is presented the Exemplary Contractor Support Award.”
Jonathan’s commitment to excellence, ability to adapt and execute, and dedication to those serving in the U.S. Marshals Service are an embodiment of O2X’s core values. We’re incredibly proud to have him representing O2X.

After the award was presented, we caught up with Jonathan to inquire on his keys to success in running the program. Here’s what he had to say:
What goals & milestones did you have in mind when entering into the position of PM for the USMS ISP?
“Complicated question. When entering the position, no matter the location, the very first thing I try to do is learn and absorb as much information about the culture and the group/agency I will be instructing. One cannot offer professional guidance if they do not know the details of what the audience does for a living. I was able to dive headfirst into everything at the training division – taking notes on classes within the Basic Deputy United States Marshal Service Integrated curriculum. I needed to know the intricacies of the U.S. Marshals Service: Control Tactics, what does a day of structure ops or search/restraint look like, what are the Marshal’s Traditions/Challenges, etc. Once I gained insight into what the expectations for candidates are, I developed a risk analysis on areas I felt had a heightened risk of potential musculoskeletal injuries. This was subsequently followed by a needs analysis on how to attack these areas of weakness. Our On-Site Team then developed two key goals: limit the likelihood of musculoskeletal injuries & develop protocols/programming to build up the resiliency of the candidates.”
What attracted you to working with the Marshals population? Why are you passionate about preparing these individuals as opposed to other populations?
“The United States Marshal Service…. The first federal law enforcement agency in the country. The agency that has been around since 1789 with historic figures like Bass Reeves and Wyatt Earp. The agency that, in my opinion, has the largest scope and task of all the DOJ. To name some but not all: fugitive apprehension, judicial security, asset forfeiture, witness security, missing children’s programs, and much more. I truly believe the men and women who make up the USMS are heroes that let us walk freely and safely in our hometowns.”
Statistics back up my feelings (2024):
The U.S. Marshals is the federal government’s primary agency for fugitive investigations with the broadest arrest authority.
The Marshals arrest, on average, 293 fugitives every day.
The agency oversees the daily operation and management of security services performed by approximately 5,800 court security officers within the 94 U.S. District Courts and 12 circuits of the U.S. Court of Appeals. As the security front line, court security officers screen visitors at building entrances and handle other security duties.
The Witness Security Program has successfully protected almost 19,200 participants from intimidation and retribution since the program began in 1971.
The ISP has reduced injuries by 70%, what was the key to the success in making such a drastic impact?
“Proper planning, relationships, and attention to details. There are a lot of factors that go into anything that is successful. If asked to narrow it down to three statements, I would go with what is listed above.
–Proper planning started on day one. Developing both a risk and needs analysis.
-As for relationships, when entering any new tactical population for the first time, it is very important to do so with a blend of confidence and decorum. It needs to be known you are the subject matter expert, but it is equally as important to understand you are there to HELP the population – not chastise and criticize. If asked to partake in an event, do it. That is an olive branch that, if rejected, may never be offered again. It took several months to have my warm welcome. It was only after trust and appreciation were forming that my olive branch was presented. From that point on, handshakes turned into hugs and 5-minute lunch ‘grab and goes’ turned into invitations to the local hidden delicacies. Being welcomed into the family now meant I have a seat at the table – opening the door for more conversations. Breaking down decade old philosophies that plague most of the tactical population was met with the expected resilience. But the newly established trust meant leadership would give me their leap of faith and allow me to put my education and my credentials to use.
-Lastly, Attention to Details. After showcasing what my profession can do, the floodgates were opened. Now came curriculum development committees, protocols to be written, an entire 20+ hours dedicated to developing classes that every BDUSMI class receives throughout their academy, and more day-to-day interactions. Ultimately, it was about making sure that there is always a balance of pushing the class without passing the threshold and increasing the likelihood of musculoskeletal injuries.”
About Jonathan Bachant (now Jonathan Cushner):
Jonathan Cushner is an O2X On-Site Human Performance Specialist and Program Manager who specializes in Strength & Conditioning. His role as the USMS’s human performance program manager is to support future and current members with comprehensive training, programs, and resources that will arm them for success on and off the job. The work of a Deputy US Marshal is dynamic, challenging, physical, and critical to our national security. Jonathan and the O2X team specialize in preparing tactical athletes for such a mission.
About O2X Human Performance:
O2X Human Performance provides comprehensive, science-backed programs to hundreds of public safety departments, federal agencies, and the military. O2X works with clients to elevate culture, improve mental and physical wellbeing, support healthy lifestyles, and reduce healthcare costs associated with injuries and illnesses. Driven by results and cutting edge research, O2X programs are designed and delivered by a team of Special Operations veterans, high level athletes, and hundreds of leading experts in their respective fields of human performance.