O2X provides customized wellness programs for public safety departments, the military, and federal agencies that optimize every aspect of their most valuable resource: people.
Our services include: consulting, in-person training and education, On-Site Specialists, Readiness Assessments, and cutting edge online tools. All customized for every mission, size, and need.

“Firefighters cannot underplay the deleterious effects of sleep deprivation and long shifts. O2X is the industry leader in bolstering up our tactical athletes, and bringing us the tools to have healthy, well-balanced careers. We extend our heartfelt thanks to FirstNet for providing us this amazing opportunity to support our California Firefighters.”
Chief Heather Marques, Alameda County Fire Department
“The Berkeley Police Department is eager to address the negative impact of the stressors with the support and guidance of O2X On-Site Specialists. We are optimistic that by offering the O2X holistic, entire body wellness program to our police employees, they will be provided the tools necessary to achieve the strength and resiliency necessary to see the finish line of a long rewarding career.”
Lieutenant Jen Tate, Berkeley Police Department
“More than ever, Norfolk Fire-Rescue recognizes the value of making both physical and mental health a top priority for our members’...‘O2X is that valuable tool in our toolbox which reinforces our commitment to ensuring healthier lifestyles throughout our careers and beyond.”
Chief John DiBacco, Norfolk Fire-Rescue
“The O2X program provides focused training that helps us maintain a level of physical and mental fitness that fire and EMS requires. Our continued partnership results in a more resilient workforce that is better equipped to handle the unique challenges of our profession’...‘Loudoun County fully supports this program, and it is our intent to continue this training into the foreseeable future.”
Assistant Chief Travis Preau, Loudoun County Fire and Rescue
“We’re excited to partner with O2X Human Performance and to be able to provide these invaluable resources to our nation’s heroes’...‘We believe that this workshop will have a lasting impact on the physical and mental health of our veterans.”
Founder and CEO Andy Pujol, Building Homes for Heroes
“The curriculum of Eat, Sweat, Thrive that O2X Human Performance has put together is in total alignment with the program that our Wellness team is promoting to our members currently,’...‘We are excited to give our members exposure to this incredible and intelligent program design to spread and expand the Wellness mission to our members.”
Lieutenant Jackie Fehr, Denver Fire Department
“A comprehensive wellness program is important to the overall health of our firefighters. Partnering with an experienced and proven company like O2X Human Performance, who has provided similar programs for other public safety agencies, will be valuable in the development and implementation of our new program."
Chief Louis Winston, Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services