O2X Human Performance is committed to building healthier firefighters and stronger, more effective fire departments. We believe our training is not only good for the individual and the department but also makes for safer communities for our children and our families.
Our mission is to provide science-backed, comprehensive training and education so that tactical athletes can finish their careers as strong as they started. The O2X Human Performance program is built on five pillars: conditioning, nutrition, sleep, stress mitigation, and resiliency development. Together, these pillars make up our EAT SWEAT THRIVE methodology. The O2X tailored curriculum offers a systematic approach to making small, incremental improvements that lead to sustainable lifestyle changes and maximize performance in all phases of life, on and off the job.
O2X experts provide training that goes beyond simply measuring and improving physical fitness for job-related performance. We do not aspire to turn every firefighter into a world-class athlete; instead, our goal is to ensure that firefighters receive comprehensive human performance education to overcome heightened levels of mental and physical stress so they are better equipped to achieve peak performance at work and enjoy their off-duty time. Our program helps ensure that tactical athletes enjoy the healthy retirement years they work so hard to earn.
“I am convinced that the O2X Human Performance Program is transforming the Boston Fire Department into a much healthier, fitter, and safer department,” said Dr. Michael G. Hamrock of Tufts University Medical Center. Hamrock is a former firefighter and now an occupational physician for the BFD.
See the full article originally published in Fire Rescue Magazine, March 24, 2017.