O2X Human Performance Leadership Seminar (Scituate, MA)

The O2X Program

O2X Human Performance provides comprehensive, science-backed programs to hundreds of public safety departments, federal agencies, and the military. O2X works with clients to elevate culture, improve mental and physical wellbeing, support healthy lifestyles, and reduce healthcare costs associated with injuries and illnesses. Driven by results and cutting edge research, O2X programs are designed and delivered by a team of Special Operations veterans, high level athletes, and hundreds of leading experts in their respective fields of human performance.
On September 21st, in Scituate (MA), O2X will execute a leadership seminar open to aspiring leaders in both tactical and corporate settings. Participants will learn about developing a culture of excellence, traits of high-performing individuals and teams, identifying spheres of control and influence,  and creating a leadership legacy.

All Interested Participants Can Request More Info Below:

1 Mill Wharf Plaza
Unit S12
Scituate, MA


September 21, 2023 (0800-1800) 
Please contact Eamonn Burke at eamonn@o2x.com