O2X Specialist Updates
Updates from On-site
Our science-backed human performance development programs are delivered through in-person training, virtual resources, assessments, and analysis, but additionally, O2X has helped numerous agencies fill full-time human performance positions within their organizations, designed to improve the mental, physical, and emotional health of its members.
Check out what some of our On-site Specialists have been up to below, and check out https://www.o2x.com/programs/ to learn more about this unique O2X service.
Massachusetts Army National Guard (MAANG) Update from Devon Smith, O2X Strength and Conditioning Specialist:
Over the course of the month, we saw our final workshop for the Soldiers in the Warrior FIT program and the addition of new PT sessions to the schedule. The Soldiers who attended the last of three workshop weekends completed an ACFT diagnostic, learned about high stress jobs, discussed implementing 1% changes, and completed a session of yoga and iRest. We saw improved event scores and confidence across the board from Soldiers on the ACFT, which is a testament to their hard work. Drop in PT opportunities have increased around the state, to include six new sessions throughout the week at two new locations. August will see another workshop for the Airmen of the 102nd Intelligence Wing, as well as several engagements with flights from the 104th Fighter Wing.
Massachusetts National Guard (MANG) Update from Gianna Roma, O2X Nutrition Specialist:
Over the past month, I have been very productive with nutrition consultations. I have completed 27 consultations, with the majority being Airmen / Soldiers following up from their O2X workshops. Many have been meeting with me for several months and seeing great improvements in nutrition and overall health. They continue to meet with me, as many like the accountability component. In addition to consultations, I have provided ongoing education, this month with a flyer on proper hydration and how to calculate estimated hydration needs. Additionally, I had the chance to make some videos to go along with recipes on the O2x app. These are added to the app and posted by MANG to bring attention to this resource. My favorite so far was definitely the steak stir-fry!
Frederick County Update from Kayla Schmit, On-site Specialist with Frederick Co. Fire Department:
Busy? That is an understatement. Here in Frederick, we have had a full schedule in July. From opening up new training sessions for career members, to working with light duty members, to Recruit Class 29 graduating, and finally two more recruit classes starting at the exact same time. Yep, you read that right. Frederick County Fire and Rescue started two more recruit classes on the same day. Recruit Class 30 and 31 started July 26th. Each class is filled with 25 new recruits.
Early morning starts are the standard here in Frederick, because if we don’t start early, we can’t fit all the fun activities into the day.
Recruit Classes 30-31 began the academy with an introduction to human performance. They learn about our three main O2X pillars of health and wellness: EAT, SWEAT, and THRIVE. From there, they perform an initial physical fitness assessment (PFA) and body composition analysis.
DC Fire & EMS Updates from Ryan Glaize and Conner Freeland, On-site Specialist:
Recruit Class Training for both RC-396 and RC-397 has steadily evolved as each group prepared for a new block of training this month. With RC-396 preparing to graduate in a few short weeks, the focus has been on retesting skills and evaluating metrics as they complete their final tests. Additionally, recruits have learned simple rules for developing their own programs and, most specifically, how to modify workouts based on equipment available. RC-397 finalized their EMT portion of the academy this month and will begin firefighting school in August. July’s block of training prepared recruits for that next step.
Within the department as a whole, O2X has begun delivering equipment to each firehouse in the city. These kits include Brute Force sandbags, medballs, and resistance bands, with a goal that workouts be done while on duty, with simple yet effective equipment.
Arlington County Update from Trevor Sheasley, On-site Specialist with Arlington County Fire Department:
The Arlington Fire Training Academy is in full swing, with Recruit Class 80 (RC80) participating in four days of physical training (PT) on top of learning vital information needed to become a firefighter. Ability groups have been formed based on their initial PT Test results and these groups allow myself and the cadre to better tailor the training to improve deficiencies. RC80 has come to the academy motivated, disciplined, and has a willingness to take on each training session without complaint.
Within the stations, I have been continuing to host one-on-one and group training sessions as we prepare for our yearly physicals and Duty Fit testing. The yearly physicals are rather extensive, having the members evaluated for their Metabolic Equivalents (METS) ability, blood testing, and other preventative checks. Once those are complete members will complete Duty Fit, which is a job performance test that has the member perform several activities that can be expected when responding to a fire while wearing full protective gear and on air. The member will be evaluated on the time to complete the course and how much air is consumed during this time.