O2X Specialist Updates
Updates from On-site
Our science-backed human performance development programs are delivered through in-person training, virtual resources, assessments, and analysis, but additionally, O2X has helped numerous agencies fill full-time human performance positions within their organizations, designed to improve the mental, physical, and emotional health of its members.
Check out what some of our On-site Specialists have been up to below, and check out https://www.o2x.com/programs/ to learn more about this unique O2X service.
Massachusetts National Guard (MANG) Update from Devon Smith, O2X Strength and Conditioning Specialist:
April was a great month across the board for the MA National Guard Warrior FIT program. We were able to support ACFT diagnostic assessments, increase the attendance at physical training sessions, and continue to deliver training and education to the MANG Soldiers and Airmen. During this month, we hosted the “Synthesis” portion of our workshop series with the MA Army National Guard. This iteration of the workshop series highlighted THRIVE components such as sleep and fatigue management and presented Soldiers with an opportunity to become more familiar with ACFT events. Service members were provided an opportunity to practice the test events openly and with guidance from strength and conditioning professionals on how to properly execute and prepare for the movements. The stage is set for May to be another exciting month in the Commonwealth.
Massachusetts National Guard (MANG) Update from Gianna Roma, O2X Nutrition Specialist:
In April, the Army National Guard completed Session 2 of the O2x workshop. This workshop came one month after the initial workshop. In between workshop 1 and 2, we assigned nutrition homework. Soldiers were requested to complete daily diet recalls. Many reported significant nutrition improvements such as – incorporation of more fruits/vegetables daily, shifts in plate construction, reduction of alcohol intake, increased hydration, and weight loss. Many soldiers have taken the opportunity to schedule nutrition consultations with me. One soldier followed up with me after one month and reported the following: weight loss of 6 pounds, adherence to a workout routine + weekly ACFT testing, shaved off 45 seconds of two-mile run time, incorporation of breakfast daily, reduction of treats, and incorporation of carbohydrate/protein paired snacks. After Session 2 an additional 10 soldiers signed up for consultations. I continue to use these sessions to provide customized nutrition education with monthly check in on progress.
Frederick County Update from Kayla Schmit, On-site Specialist with Frederick Co. Fire Department:
The O2X on-site specialist has been busy facilitating department wide fitness challenges. This has been very well received and has tripled the number of active members participating. This has improved overall morale in the department and has brought back the fun and excitement after a long year of pandemic stress. Giving the department a fun and enjoyable experience with working out and challenging them amongst each other in some friendly competitions has been a great change of pace.
Additionally, Recruit Class 29 has reached the halfway point in their academy training. They completed their mid term PFA testing and completely crushed their initial testing scores from the start of the academy. Within a few short weeks, they will transition into Phase 3 of the training program where they will be acclimated to training in gear. They will learn to “get comfortable being uncomfortable” as they learn the limitations and disadvantages full PPE can create.
DC Fire & EMS Updates from Ryan Glaize and Conner Freeland, On-site Specialist:
O2X continues to make progress in all pillars of EAT SWEAT THRIVE at DCFD. We have a department wide fitness initiative coming soon; each member of the department will be able to participate in a challenge to lose body fat with a chance of winning prizes! The overarching goal is to continue to raise awareness of physical well-being and highlight how O2X can help people head in that direction.
A new recruit class just started, which provides another opportunity to put the readiness assessment to work and immediately provide the recruits with areas to work on and improve throughout their time at the academy. The recruit classes provide O2X with an incredible opportunity to have an impact now and help set the department up for long term success.
Arlington County Update from Trevor Sheasley, On-site Specialist with Arlington County Fire Department:
O2X and the Arlington County Fire Department have officially begun their partnership to increase the readiness of their members. Their On-Site Human Performance Specialist, Trevor, has been making his rounds to all 10 stations to meet with all three shifts. Trevor comes to O2X with a background in collegiate, military, and law enforcement strength and conditioning. He is currently working with Arlington County Fire Leadership and Peer Fitness Trainers (PFT) to implement the O2X Readiness Assessment while observing job performance tasks via in person training. To date, Trevor has performed all intro visits and is in the process of completing the readiness assessment for all stations and their three shifts.