U.S. Army Reserve to Optimize Soldier Health and Wellness



U.S. Army Reserve to Optimize Soldier Health and Wellness

Partners with O2X Human Performance to Pilot Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) Program

Fort Jackson, SCStarting in August 2022, the U.S. Army Reserve’s 81st Readiness Division will be kicking off a comprehensive wellness program to pilot the implementation of Army’s new Holistic Health and Fitness initiative (H2F). Along with frequent mental and physical performance-based training, the program includes a full-time Human Performance Advisor, embedded at the 81st RD, to help soldiers train properly and stay healthy.

This pilot program is being delivered by O2X Human Performance, a Massachusetts based training and education company founded by former Navy SEALs. O2X has worked with a variety of units across the Department of Defenseand has designed programs for federal, state, and local agencies nationwide. They provide state-of-the-art training and education aimed specifically at helping tactical athletes finish their careers as strong as they started.

The program is a part of the widespread and ongoing implementation of the U.S. Army’s Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) Program. In an effort to improve comprehensive soldier readiness, the H2F Program aims to measure and enhance efficiency by addressing the unique needs of each unit. Along with the full-time Human Performance Advisor, O2X will support the H2F Program in the 81st Readiness Division by providing 56 weekend training events over the next eleven months, each geared towards optimizing performance.

The new training is about much more than just improving job performance. The H2F platform supports the overall safety of our troops; including prioritizing mental health and mitigating the effects of fatigue. As tactical athletes, soldiers endure physical and mental stress throughout their careers that can have acute and cumulative impacts to health. The U.S. Army Reserve has taken an important step in combating these occupational hazards through this partnership with O2X. Elements of conditioning, injury prevention, nutrition, fatigue management and sleep science, stress mitigation, sports psychology, and resilience will be delivered to soldiers of the 81st RD through O2X’s network of Human Performance Specialists.

“We’re excited to help bring the H2F curriculum to soldiers in the 81st Readiness Division” said Paul McCullough, Co-founder at O2X Human Performance. “It’s important that those on the front lines keep physical and mental wellness as a part of their daily lives. Our hope is that the O2X team can play a key role in supporting the U.S. Army Reserve leadership and their mission to keep soldiers prepared to meet the demands of service.”

About O2X Human Performance

O2X Human Performance provides comprehensive, science-backed programs to hundreds of public safety departments, federal agencies, and the military. O2X works with clients to elevate culture, improve mental and physical wellbeing, support healthy lifestyles, and reduce healthcare costs associated with injuries and illnesses. Driven by results and cutting edge research, O2X programs are designed and delivered by a team of Special Operations veterans, high level athletes, and hundreds of leading experts in their respective fields of human performance.

Visit o2x.com for additional information.
Bashon Mann or press@o2x.com