Annie Okerlin | Former Walter Reed Yoga Instructor + Founder of Exalted Warrior Foundation
Annie Okerlin is an O2X Yoga Specialist who presents yoga, sleep, resiliency & iRest Yoga Nidra to tactical athletes, first responders, and veterans nationwide.
Her passion for helping the wounded warriors of today’s wars led her to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in 2006 where she worked with the traumatically injured to include: amputees, burn victims, those with orthopedic poly-trauma, traumatic brain injuries, spinal-cord injuries, as well as unseen injuries such as PTSD.
As one of the nation’s leading experts on Adaptive Yoga, she teaches nationally and internationally with The Exalted Warrior Foundation, a non-profit organization she founded in 2010, to support wounded warriors with the seen & unseen issues of traumatic injury.
Annie is a Certified iRest® teacher & has also co-authored the book Best Practices for Yoga for Veterans.
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