-Trey Lachicotte is an O2X Lead Instructor and retired US Army Special Forces Operator (Green Beret) who worked as the Long-Range Surveillance Detachment (LRSD) commander.
-Prior to entering the Army, he attended the University of Tennessee, where he assisted in strength training for the National Championship University of Tennessee Women’s Basketball team.
-He also competed on the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps’ (AROTC) national championship Ranger Challenge team (collegiate level). These experiences translated to his successful completion of the US Army’s Ranger and Special Forces Qualification courses and service as an US Army Green Beret.
-After 21 years of active duty and ten worldwide (four combat) deployments, he recently retired in February 2022.
-He is actively involved in the Human Performance industry, currently working with multiple special operations non-profits and delivering O2X’s training & education directly to the tactical population’s as an O2X Lead Instructor.
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