-Erik Melanson is an O2X Lead Instructor who currently serves on active duty in the United States Marine Corps as an Intelligence Officer.
-He has spent the majority of his career in the special operations community, deploying in support of combat operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Africa. While serving in Marine Special Operations Command or MARSOC, he was introduced to human performance. From that point forward, human performance and the role of the tactical athlete have been a staple in his life.
-In August of 2020 after returning from Afghanistan, he suffered a traumatic injury that left him paralyzed below the knee in his left leg. His doctors, surgeons, and rehabilitation team credit his physical and mental conditioning as the main reason he has been able to remain on active duty, and recover to the level he has from his limb salvage injury. It was during his time at Walter Reed that his passion for helping fellow injured and wounded individuals rehabilitate their body and mind really took off. He is a huge proponent of the mental health aspect of human performance and looks for every opportunity to break the stigma associated with seeking help for mental health and substance abuse issues.
-He’s a graduate of Norwich University, holds graduate certificates in leadership from Wharton and Harvard Law, an MA in Military Studies from Marine Corps University, and is finishing up his MA in Global Policy from Johns Hopkins University.
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